Uovo in Raviolo

Runny egg yolk-filled pasta we can’t make well….yet

What could possibly go wrong with homemade pasta sheets, herbed ricotta cheese made from scratch, gorgeous egg yolks, fresh sage, and nutty brown butter?  Everything.  Every single thing is what went wrong. 

When prepared correctly, runny egg yolk-filled raviolo (Uovo in Raviolo) with lemony, herbed ricotta is decadent.  Typically, only one to two pieces are served, but one is all that anyone needs.  It is rich and luxurious.  The raviolo that came out of our kitchen was the complete opposite.  As people who eat and enjoy almost every kind of pasta, one would think we could figure out how to make it.  Nope.  We haven’t.  We made the ricotta cheese.  We used fresh sage and various herbs from our garden. We bought the lemons because lemon trees aren’t a thing in Oklahoma.  The pasta sheets are where the fail occurred.  The pasta was too thick, too tough.  It should have been silky and a little springy.  It was not.          

Bless our friends, Garrett and Melissa, for agreeing to be our guinea pigs when it comes to new recipes.  Most times, we get it pretty close to where we want it.  Sometimes, we don’t.  If you’re looking for the perfect dish to indulge in, get the runny egg yolk raviolo.  If you’re looking for perfect Uovo in Raviolo, don’t come to our kitchen…..at least not yet.     


Kitchen No. 324


Churreria El Moro